You may (rightfully) be thinking, "Sounds good, but how can I know that Bellevue Homes' claims of 'high performance' are true?" The fact is, most of what contributes to a home's performance is hidden from the homeowner behind the drywall or in the attic, so a homeowner can do little more than take a builder at his or her word alone. While trust is a good thing, trusting *and* verifying are even better, and this is where EarthCraft comes in.
EarthCraft is an independent organization that inspects, tests and certifies homes across 8 criteria: site planning, energy efficiency, resource efficiency, waste management, indoor air quality, water conservation, homeowner education, and builder operations. To be certified as an "EarthCraft Home", Bellevue will need to meet certain standards in each of these areas, and will need to excel in several of them. At Bellevue, our focus will be on energy efficiency and indoor air quality, which have direct benefit for the homeowner as well as the world at large.
The bottom line is, we are committed to high-performance--so much so that we are *eager* to have a third party inspect our work on your behalf.
Learn more about EarthCraft here.